Monday, August 18, 2008

Stage 7: Last Stage

80 kilometers

Crowsnest Pass to Fernie
7,000 feet of climbing
8,000 feet of descent

Todays highlights are a 10% climb out of the valley at the start! We thought the last stage would be easy? Not the case - it was set as a tough day to the finish with hike a bikes, singletrack, and a fast rip descent thru famous Fernie singletrack. Technical descents and fast fire roads with a paceline were also on the menu. We were on a good day. We held with a great group for the first 50k. The group was made up of 2 leader jersey teams (100+ mens, mixed open).

We passed team KHS in 26th place and were on track to catch team chantry fats when Vert lost control on a nasty descent and body slammed on the steep rutted descent. Luckily he didn't crack his helmet, but he was seeing stars. For 30k after the crash he recovered.

At checkpoint 3 we regrouped, had some coca cola, water, the medic offered Vert a ride on a quad to the finish. Luckily he turned it down we bombed down the final sections to finish on main street in Fernie!

We immediately went to the beer garden and celebrated the finish with the pasadena team Chantry Fats and the mayor of Fernie.

1 comment:

roadrunner said...

you guys did well in the rockies,
you no you want the spark 10,
