Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lance Rides Again and I have a benign tumor?

Both are true.

I thought lower back pain was just a given in Transrockies? On day 3 of TR, my left side of my lower back hurt and became numb and continued throughout the race. Heavy doses of Advil kept it reasonable. A week after TR i bent over to tie my shoes and noticed i had a golf ball size bump on my lower back. Today the doctor diagnosed me with Lipoma, a benign tumor under the muscle tissue near my spine on my lower back (which explains the pain and numbness). It's large and near the spine so it needs to be surgically removed. Beeatch.

Click here for the exclusive Vanity Fair article on Lance

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Kids

Training takes a back seat for this morning as Parker and Elie had their first day at school last week.  I did sneak in an hour easy ride.  Here's a pic of the little tykes.  Parker is on the left and Elie is on the right.  Their friend and neighbor Danny is in the middle.